EcoWater secured the world’s first patent for water conditioning in 1925 and continues to invest heavily in research and development to ensure products meet the exacting requirements of customers. Given the combination of generations of experience, state-of-art research and development facilities and patented technology, we are uniquely positioned to develop ‘smart’ products for the needs of today’s consumers.

Hard water is a problem and the warning signs are everywhere. Limescale in kettles and scum around baths provide ample evidence of the far-reaching effects that can cause untold damage to household appliances and central heating systems. However, thanks to EcoWater, hard water need not affect your household. As the world's largest manufacturer of residential water softeners, we provide a range of products that deliver the far-reaching benefits of soft water on tap. Products with the in-built intelligence o satisfy monitor and manage your entire needs.

Hard water is a fact of life for many households in the UK. If you live in a hard water area you will recognise the symptoms and appreciate the benefits of soft water when away from home. As well as difficult to clean shower enclosures and bathrooms, hard water and soap combine to create scum that dulls hair and clings to skin. Perhaps worst of all, scale builds up within your central heating systems and appliances without you even knowing – potentially causing untold damage. EcoWater dealers can check the exact hardness of your water, so you can establish the extent of the problem.


EcoWater offers a complete range of softeners to meet every
need. Call us now and we will advise you on the softener best
suited to you and your needs.